Services offered by MGGP
The services offered by MGGP S.A. cover the entire lifecycle of investments, from conceptual project development through detailed design, to contract management, inspection, and supervision of project execution, as well as subsequent operation. The close collaboration of our engineering teams during the planning and design stages of infrastructure solutions enables a multidimensional approach to developing optimal solutions that meet human needs while respecting the natural environment.
Our offer is actually shaped by our clients. It is our clients who present their needs to us, and we propose solutions, often bespoke ones, tailored to the specific order, the nature of their business, and their unique requirements, always mindful of delivering added value to the client.
Designing road infrastructure
MGGP S.A. provides comprehensive project services in the field of road infrastructure, which are a significant component within civil engineering. We undertake multidisciplinary project developments at both micro and macro scales.
The main recipients of our developments are GDDKiA (General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways), Provincial Road Management Authorities, County, Municipal, and Communal Road Authorities.
Thanks to our many years of experience and multidisciplinary team, we ensure the execution of the most complex projects at every stage of their implementation. This includes conceptual work, construction and executive projects, environmental documentation, obtaining necessary approvals, decisions, and permits for investment execution (such as environmental decisions, ZRID), preparation of tender documentation, as well as author's supervision during construction based on the developed documentation.

Designing railway infrastructure
Services in the field of railway infrastructure represent one of the most significant segments of MGGP S.A.'s activities. The company has completed or is currently executing investments in the construction and modernization of railway networks, often of crucial national and international importance, such as Rail Baltica and the construction of the new railway line Podłęże – Szczyrzyc – Tymbark/Mszana Dolna.
MGGP S.A. offers comprehensive project development services starting from programmatic-spatial concepts (including necessary technical-economic analyses), through construction and executive projects, environmental studies (Natural Inventories, Project Information Sheets, Environmental Reports), obtaining all necessary decisions and permits for project implementation, to preparation of tender documentation and author's supervision during construction.
With years of experience in delivering multidisciplinary project documentation for PKP PLK (including track layout projects with substructures and drainage, platform projects with small architecture, access roads tailored to the needs of people with limited mobility, engineering structures of various complexities, and network solutions ensuring full functionality of project objectives), and supported by a highly qualified team of specialists from various fields, MGGP S.A. guarantees professional and timely execution of entrusted tasks at every stage of the investment process.
Designing gas fuel infrastructure
MGGP S.A. provides professional project services related to the completion of comprehensive project documentation. This includes developing variant concepts, feasibility studies, technical-economic analyses for trenchless crossings feasibility, preparing documents necessary to obtain environmental impact decisions and location decisions for terminal investments, water permits documentation, and preparing construction projects culminating in obtaining valid construction permits for linear investments in the gas fuel sector and the necessary technological infrastructure to support them. We also execute multidisciplinary construction projects in both linear and technological sectors, including m.inDesigning gas fuel infrastructure includes: cathodic protection, architecture-structure, electrical, telecommunications, mechanical, road, and technical protection systems. Projects are completed with multidisciplinary bills of quantities and investor cost estimates, acceptance documentation for the needs of the Office of Technical Inspection (UDT), pressure test projects along with obtaining necessary water law decisions, traffic organization projects, as well as work organization projects. Additionally, the service includes Author's Supervision in accordance with Construction Law, ensuring that designers and experts possess construction qualifications and professional experience in the relevant specialty.

Investment supervision

Management and supervision of road infrastructure construction
We provide services to the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA), the authority responsible for national roads in Poland, as well as to other road administrators. These services involve comprehensive project management and investor supervision during the construction of highways, expressways, national, provincial, county, and municipal roads.
We verify and coordinate project activities for contracts executed under the "design and build" system. We oversee archaeological, environmental, and geodetic works, ensuring quality and quantity control of construction activities. We analyze the progress of works, monitoring compliance with the project and construction schedules. Our responsibilities include conducting inspections of embedded materials and performing work acceptance procedures. We also manage ongoing contract settlements, issuing interim payment certificates. Additionally, we engage in promotional activities. After construction completion, we oversee defect rectification and warranty periods.
Each supervisory team is managed by a Contract Engineer and a Resident Engineer, supported by Supervision Inspectors and Assistants in each field. Additionally, we have a qualified team of experts specializing in claims, settlements, environmental protection, technology, and other areas.
We execute most of our road contracts based on the Contract Conditions recommended for use by the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC).
Management and supervision of railway infrastructure construction
We provide services to the national railway network administrator in Poland, PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A., involving management and supervision of investment tasks related to the construction and reconstruction of railway stations and lines, including associated infrastructure.
We manage the contract and handle settlements with the construction contractor. We review and coordinate project documentation for contracts executed under the "design and build" system. Our responsibilities include verifying the quality of installed materials and ensuring their compliance with the contract requirements set by the investor. We perform verification of measurements and geodetic works. Additionally, we oversee environmental protection and archaeological matters. We analyze the progress of works and their compliance with the Objectives and Financial Schedule. We fulfill obligations related to connection agreements and agreements for collision removal concerning construction and installation works, including traction network supply and non-traction power supplies. We conduct inspections during the execution of works and oversee warranty and defect reporting periods. We prioritize railway traffic safety, adhering to the safety management system procedures defined in PKP PLK regulations.
Each supervisory team is led by a Project Engineer and a Resident Engineer, supported by Supervision Inspectors and Assistants in each field. Additionally, we have a qualified team of experts specializing in claims, settlements, environmental protection, technology, and track closures. Experts in railway traffic control, traction networks, track layouts, and telecommunication systems such as GSM-R, MPLS, DWDM, NSS, BSS, ETCS play a crucial role in our operations.
All our railway contracts are executed based on the Contract Conditions recommended for use by the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC).

Managing and supervising the construction of gas fuel infrastructure
We provide services for strategic entities crucial to the Polish economy and national security, such as GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., the operator of gas transmission pipelines, and Polska Spółka Gazownictwa Sp. z o.o., the operator of the gas distribution system, which is the largest company within the PGNiG Capital Group.
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.'s primary task is the transmission of gas fuels across the country via its transmission network, delivering them to distribution networks and end consumers connected to the transmission system. On the other hand, PSG Sp. z o.o.'s key responsibility is the reliable and safe distribution of gas fuels directly to end consumers through its distribution network, as well as to networks operated by other local operators.
We provide services in construction supervision as investor's representatives, environmental management, and project management necessary for the execution of key tasks for both companies.
We also oversee geodetic, welding, archaeological, occupational health and safety (BHP), and sapper supervision. Before commencing investments in the preparatory phase, we analyze project documentation and issued decisions to identify any potential discrepancies for correction. Quality management systems play a crucial role during the construction management of gas pipelines, imposing various obligations on all participants in the construction process to ensure safety during construction and subsequently during operation, meeting the expectations and requirements of investors.
Each supervisory team is managed by a Contract Manager, who oversees Supervision Inspectors and Assistants in each field. Additionally, there is a qualified team of experts specializing in settlements, environmental protection, technology, non-destructive testing, welding works, corrosion protection, and quality management.
Management and supervision of the construction of volumetric investments
For the real estate development industry and during the implementation of all public utility facilities, we provide services either comprehensively or selectively as a Substitute Investor.
During the investment implementation phase, we provide investor supervision and coordinate the entire project execution, including its settlement and obtaining the occupancy permit.
In addition to the legally required comprehensive investor supervision, we also provide geodetic, geotechnical, geological-engineering, conservation, environmental, and archaeological supervision as part of our service offerings.
We verify and coordinate project activities, settle the investment, and oversee the quality of materials and work performed by the Contractor. When necessary, we conduct laboratory tests in accredited facilities across Poland with which we collaborate. We also provide legal support and specialists for scheduling and reporting tasks.
Our involvement as a professional entity in the preparation and implementation of a real estate development project is positively regarded by investment funds or banks involved in financing the project on behalf of the investor.

Consulting and technical support (B2B system)
Drawing on professional experience from the execution of major infrastructure projects covering virtually all engineering and complex logistics management areas, we provide a wide range of engineering consulting services in a B2B system. These services are tailored for entities involved in construction investment processes, handling projects of high value and relatively short and non-negotiable timelines.
We provide specialists in every industry with appropriate qualifications, along with legal support concerning claims that may arise between parties under contract during the execution of any investment tasks.
Environment and water economy
Environment and water economy
MGGP S.A. has extensive experience and knowledge in the field of water management and environmental protection.
We develop planning documents at local, regional, and national levels, as well as concepts, solutions, and methodological studies. The need for these developments primarily arises from fulfilling requirements specified in European Union regulations, such as the Water Framework Directive, Floods Directive, and Nitrate Directive. Our projects aim to protect inland surface waters, transitional and coastal waters, and groundwater, serving as a basis for actions to mitigate the negative impacts of floods and droughts. Additionally, our company has experience in developing Protection Plans and action plans for nature reserves, landscape parks, national parks, and NATURA 2000 areas.
Additionally, our experienced team of experts in environmental engineering, hydrology, hydraulic engineering, and environmental protection ensures that all infrastructure solutions are implemented with care for the durability of natural systems and the continuity of environmental functioning. This includes reducing pressure on sensitive areas and avoiding creating barriers to natural processes while implementing various infrastructure solutions.


Modernization of Land and Building Registers
As service providers, we support local government authorities mandated by legislation to maintain land and building registers. Our scope of modernization work, as part of maintaining these registers, includes field and office activities aimed at updating information about land, buildings, and premises. This also involves transitioning from analog to digital data formats.
During these works, the position of boundary points and the boundaries of cadastral parcels are determined. This is primarily based on existing reliable geodetic documentation. In cases where such documentation is lacking, data regarding the boundaries of cadastral parcels are obtained through geodetic field measurements or photogrammetric surveys, preceded by determining the course of these boundaries. In most orders, the work also concurrently covers building and local properties.
The result of modernization work is an updated public register containing numerical and descriptive data regarding lands, buildings, and premises, as well as information about property owners.
Creation/Adaptation of BDOT500 and GESUT databases
We carry out tasks related to the creation, adaptation, or update of BDOT500 and the GESUT database. We execute projects encompassing a comprehensive range of tasks in diverse software tailored to the order's requirements. The tasks include: data conversion to the current model, data supplementation based on geodetic documentation, digitalization of analog resources along with their verification using current sources such as orthophotomaps, field survey maps, and sector-specific data. Additionally, we perform synchronization actions with the Land and Building Register. To ensure the integrity of the GESUT database with sector resources, we also conduct initial database agreements with entities managing land development networks.
Wynikiem prac są aktualne, spójne i zharmonizowane bazy GESUT oraz BDOT500.

Mapping studies
As part of our mapping projects, we produce maps for planning and project purposes. Currently, these are created as 2D or 3D digital maps. They are typically based on data collected from civilian resources like Regional Geodetic and Cartographic Documentation Centers (ODGiK) or specialized units managing geodetic resources for closed areas. The initial data undergoes field surveys and supplementary direct measurements in the terrain. During the production of project-specific maps, we create a Digital Terrain Model (DTM), conduct sector-specific surveys, gather information from local zoning plans (MPZP), and establish required legal frameworks, including basic horizontal railway control, detailed horizontal railway control, and railway height control frameworks. We also produce sector-specific maps for gas investments and orthophotomaps.
Legal and regulatory studies

Geodetic support for investments
As part of geodetic support for investments, we perform comprehensive geodetic work during the construction of roads and railways (covering all industries, including bridge structures), cubic objects, power networks, and pipelines. The scope of work includes: establishing and measuring construction axes, setting out, control measurements, and current inventories. We conduct measurements of settlements and displacements of objects and structures. We develop earthworks balances and conduct periodic measurements of earthwork volumes. We create 3D models for machine control systems. At the end of the investment, we prepare geodetic as-built documentation, including, depending on the investment, as-built maps, profiles, and track axis adjustment protocols. We also stabilize boundary points and road corridors.
Geodetic frameworks
As part of activities related to establishing frameworks, we create situational-altitude frameworks for implementation purposes and national frameworks. During railway tasks, we design, establish, measure, and align all required frameworks at each stage of the investment, including: basic horizontal railway frameworks, detailed horizontal railway frameworks, height railway frameworks, and special railway frameworks - KOS.

Measurements of river cross-sections
We perform comprehensive geodetic works related to measuring river cross-sections for the creation of Flood Hazard Maps and Flood Risk Maps, including in particular measurements of channel cross-sections and reservoirs, parameters of bridge structures, hydrotechnical facilities, and flood embankments. We utilize traditional geodetic measurement instruments as well as perform bathymetric measurements. Additionally, we develop spatial layers of river cross-sections, valley cross-sections, engineering structures, and flood embankments.
Data processing
Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and Digital Surface Model (DSM) are among the fundamental photogrammetric products. Currently, we provide services for their development using a base point cloud from airborne LiDAR laser scanning. DTM and DSM are created through the process of point cloud processing and classification using laser technology. DTM is a numerical representation of the terrain relief, while DSM is additionally enriched with objects located on the terrain surface.

Orthophoto map
Another photogrammetric product is the raster image of the terrain surface created by processing aerial photographs in an orthogonal projection for any region. We produce orthophoto maps in true colors (R, G, B) or using near-infrared (NIR, R, G), in a specified coordinate system and desired scale. Thanks to its high accuracy, an orthophoto map is comparable to a traditional map, although it is much easier to interpret since aerial photographs are typically used as source material instead of vector maps. It is successfully used as a source of information in many fields, including monitoring environmental changes, developing photointerpretation analyses, and measuring distances or dimensions of objects depicted.
Spatial data processing
We have our own Spatial Data Processing Center providing outsourcing services in this area. In the process of developing raster, LIDAR, vector, and object data provided by the Client or acquired by MGGP S.A., we transform raw data into comprehensive spatial information. Our scope of work includes conversion, analysis, integration, and visualization of spatial data. Using specialized tools and modern technologies, we ensure fast and professional execution of entrusted tasks. Our experts have many years of experience in developing spatial data for various industries, formats, and standards, allowing us to deliver products of the highest quality

Laser scanning
We provide point cloud classification services derived from airborne LiDAR scanning. The scope of work is tailored to the Client's requirements. Technical specifications may include types and quantities of classes for the resulting product, as well as development of additional derivative products, such as digital terrain models, digital surface models, various types of 3D models, and visualizations.
The aim of digitization is to transform analog content into digital form, which allows for the preservation of often unique archival collections in digital format, and subsequently to provide access to documents electronically. We begin our work with an analysis of the client's needs and the selection of technological solutions to ensure the achievement of the intended results.
When planning the process, we leverage years of experience in digitizing diverse documentation, including large-format maps and unconventional data carriers such as tracing paper, film, metal sheets, and 19th-century documents. We ensure the security of digitized documentation during transportation and at every stage of work. Additionally, we guarantee the protection of personal and sensitive data through implemented information security procedures.
Our experienced staff, along with automated and manual controls at every stage of production, ensure a high-quality final product.
As part of the process, we scan documentation, geocode documents based on their content, categorize and sort documents, create their structures and directory trees, analyze document content, and generate databases of document characteristics (metadata). We populate our client's system with digitized documents and their metadata.

Asset passporting
In the asset passporting process, we conduct a comprehensive inventory of the network assets of businesses, focusing on providing detailed information about technical data, hierarchy, and spatial location of individual network elements. Our experts analyze the client's business needs and assess the nature, condition, and completeness of existing data to develop and propose optimal solutions tailored to the client. We verify information and fill identified gaps during the inventory process, using methods and techniques appropriate to the requirements. Integrated data feeds into GIS database systems. Through the asset passporting process, we deliver data to enable our clients to effectively manage their network assets.