Webinarium Builder, ZOPI, MGGP

On March 29th, a webinar was held co-organized by MGGP S.A. The media patronage for the event was provided by the publisher of the Builder monthly magazine, the organizer of the recurring annual educational program: BUILDER FOR THE YOUNG ENGINEERS.
The main theme of the meeting was broadly understood infrastructure design and the contemporary challenges it faces. The webinar was organized as part of the partnership support from ZOPI, Hoogells Oleksiewicz, MGGP, and Multiconsult for the Young Engineers Program.
The MGGP S.A. specialists who shared their experience and knowledge with the engineering students were Tomasz Menducki – Investment Preparation Manager, and Tomasz Śliz – Sanitary Branch Team Leader.
In his presentation titled "Challenges in Railway Design – Platforms," Tomasz Menducki focused on the atypical aspects and problems encountered in the process of designing platforms.
On the other hand, the main theme of Tomasz Śliz's presentation, "High-Pressure Gas Pipeline Network – from Design to Implementation," was to present the scope of work at each stage of the investment along with discussing the assumptions of the special gas law.
Alongside our specialists, the webinar was co-created by colleagues from Multiconsult, affiliated with ZOPI.

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Zrzut ekranu 2024-02-14 o 13.25