The A1 motorway section from Brzeziny Interchange to Romanów Interchange

The A1 motorway is a strategic route connecting southern Poland with the Polish coast, situated within the VI European transport corridor. The entire 40-kilometer section of the Łódź bypass has enabled the diversion of transit traffic away from the center of Łódź, thereby saving travel time.
The scope of work carried out by MGGP S.A. included comprehensive geodetic services during construction and post-construction geodetic inventory for Task II, namely the section from Brzeziny Interchange to Romanów Interchange. The scope of the project encompassed: 10 km of motorway, 13 bridge structures, 12 km of express roads, 2 road interchanges, 4 km of connectors, and 2 rest areas (MOPs). Geodetic tasks involved: inventory of works completed by the previous contractor, control and supplementation of the established framework by the previous contractor, establishment of benchmarks for the entire section, geodetic determination of the position of construction objects, geodetic determination of the position of remaining accompanying infrastructure, staking out and post-construction inventory of networks, ongoing geodetic support for construction works, post-construction inventory of disappearing works, stabilization of boundary points and witnesses of the road corridor (PD), final inventory of completed investment, and preparation of analog post-construction maps confirmed by the Regional Surveying and Mapping Office (PODGiK).

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