On December 23, 2019, GDDKiA in Bydgoszcz opened a 25.1 km section of the S5 expressway (section 7) from the Żnin North interchange to the border between the Kuyavian-Pomeranian and Greater Poland Voivodeships for public use.
As part of the construction of the S5 expressway section 7, four road interchanges were built (Żnin Zachód, Biskupin, Rogowo, Lubcz) along with 16 engineering structures.
The project included the reconstruction of existing road networks and the construction of sidewalks, bike paths, bus bays, and road lighting. Environmental protection devices such as noise barriers and wildlife crossings were also installed. Additionally, two Service Areas for Travelers were created: MOP Żnin East and MOP Żnin West.
As part of the opening of the respective section of the S5 road, the Żnin North interchange (Jaroszewo) was also opened for traffic, which is part of the construction of section 6 from Szubin. This allowed for the connection of the new route with the existing national road No. 5.
Supervision over the implementation of the investment is carried out by MGGP S.A., and the construction works are performed by a Consortium of companies: Przedsiębiorstwo Budowy Dróg i Mostów KOBYLARNIA S.A. (Leader) and MIRBUD S.A. (Partner).