Another Section of S17 Opened

On December 23, 2019, GDDKiA in Lublin opened another section of the S17 road, approximately 13 km long, from the end of the Kołbiel bypass to the beginning of the Garwolin bypass.
As part of the investment, a viaduct over the Skierniewice – Łuków railway line, a viaduct over the Krusze – Pilawa railway line, a pedestrian footbridge in Puznówka, and wildlife crossings (including two over the S17) were constructed.
The supervision of the project is carried out by MGGP S.A., and the construction works were performed by Budimex S.A. We congratulate and thank the Investor and the Contractor for their professional cooperation.

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Zrzut ekranu 2024-02-14 o 13.25