The modernization of railway line No. 90 (E30/C-E30) from Kraków Główny Osobowy to Medyka, specifically from Tarnów to Dębica, involved reconstruction to meet international standards and requirements.
The scope of the contract work carried out by MGGP S.A. included geodetic support for the modernization of the E30 railway line between Tarnów and Dębica, spanning from km 80+200 to 111+500, totaling 31.3 kilometers. Specifically, the tasks involved:
1. Establishing and surveying the geodetic network, determining the coordinates (x, y, h) of reference points, for use as a reference system in design, construction work execution, and as-built measurements.
2. Stakeout, control measurements, and as-built surveys following the completion of construction works in the following sectors:
"a) trackwork (tracks with switches, platforms, trackbed drainage),"
b) utility networks (power, telecommunications, railway traffic control, sanitation),
c) road infrastructure (roads, roundabouts, parking lots, pedestrian and bicycle paths),
3. Preparation of the as-built documentation for the completed investment, including:
a) situational and height map at a scale of 1:500,
b) longitudinal profile of the railway line,
c) handover protocols for track alignment adjustments.