LK E30 Biadoliny – Tarnów

The scope of the contract work carried out by MGGP S.A. included the geodetic support for the modernization of 13 bridge structures located on the E30 railway line between Biadoliny and Tarnów, spanning from km 61+300 to 80+200. Specifically, the tasks involved:
– establishing and surveying the cadastral framework for each structure,
– marking out specific elements of the executive designs,
– inventory of formwork elements of the structures before concreting,
– measurement of elements of the structures after completion,
– measurement of settlements of the structures,
– measurement of geometric control of steel structure elements of the facilities,
– conducting as-built inventory.
The E30 railway line is an international transport corridor connecting Western and Eastern Europe. The modernization of the section from Biadoliny to Tarnów is part of an investment project covering works on the railway line between Kraków and Rzeszów.

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