The subject of the contract included:
1. Carrying out geodetic works necessary for the modernization of EGiB (Ewidencja Gruntów i Budynków) - including data concerning: boundaries of cadastral parcels, cadastral parcels, land use, buildings, structures permanently associated with buildings, local real estate, entities disclosed in the registry.
2. Preparation and public display for interested parties of a descriptive-cartographic project plan, participation in the review of objections raised during its presentation, and execution of geodetic works necessary for implementing changes in the descriptive-cartographic project plan resulting from the addressed objections.
3. Carrying out geodetic and IT works necessary for the conversion and update of EGiB (Ewidencja Gruntów i Budynków) data.
4. Introduction of EGiB (Ewidencja Gruntów i Budynków) datasets created by the contractor into the teleinformatics system.
The main objective of the project was to establish a land registry database by analyzing and utilizing resources from the PZGiK (Polish Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography), and integrating them into the digital cadastral map (EGiB). In cases where reliable and accurate documentation was lacking, the project aimed to determine the boundaries of cadastral parcels.
The determination of the boundaries of cadastral parcels was conducted in accordance with § 37(2) of the regulation on EGiB (based on the relevant regulation in force at that time, published in the Journal of Laws of 2016, item 1034).
The update and measurement also encompassed buildings and their accompanying elements, as well as land use, primarily developed and urbanized areas.
The descriptive-cartographic project plan was made available for review by interested individuals and legal entities, during which they could examine the results of the work and submit any comments or objections, which were subsequently reviewed and addressed.
The resulting products are the numerical cadastral map and the descriptive database (EGiB) in accordance with regulatory requirements.
Obszar opracowania obejmował: 1942 ha, 10350 działek, 7363 budynków.