The ongoing investment is part of the Kraków Ring Road III. The route primarily runs through tunnels and includes the construction of a tram line, reconstruction of a railway line, and diversion of the Wilga River channel over approximately 0.5 km. Along a 3 km stretch of the road, key infrastructure includes 4 tunnels (600 m, 700 m, 400 m, 200 m), 2 bridges over the Wilga River, viaducts, and reconstruction of a tram loop.
The scope of services provided by MGGP S.A. during the construction included comprehensive geodetic support, which involved: setting out the positions of buildings and other infrastructure (roads, railway tracks, tram tracks, underground utility networks, etc.), ongoing geodetic support during construction activities, preparation of post-construction inventory reports, and monitoring of settlements and movements of structures.
After the completion of the construction works, a final inventory and as-built map were prepared.